Tengah : Dosen FH Widyagama Malang, Dr. Fatkhurohman, SH., MH


ICLES ini merupakan konfrensi ilmiah bertaraf internasional yang dihadiri oleh, Assoc Prof. Dr. Giao Vu Cong (Vietnam National University), “The Challenge of ASEAN countries in Secure the Right of  ECOSO Dr. Ahmad Erani Yustika (Directorate General For Community and Village Empowerment, Ministry of Villages), H.Soekarwo (East Java Governor).

Dosen FH, Dr. Fatkhurohman berpartisipasi dalam acara ini guna melengkapi kajian ilmiah dalam bidang hukum dengan tema “Membangun Model Pengawasan efektif Oleh Gubernur dalam Rangka Mencegah Terjadinya Perda Bermasalah di Kabupaten Kota”.

“The authority of the governor to prevent problematic regional regulation tends to continue in certain period, it becomes inevitability. Therefore, it needs effective model in terms of supervision in making regional regulation that was carried out by regency government. The effective model offered is by applying supervision method before the regional regulation was applied (determining step). The governor supervision authority in testing and evaluating Regional Draft for Regency or City before the regional regulation was applied is called evaluation supervision. Spirit built within this model of supervision is preventing from violation in the beginning of making of regional regulation in term of legal drafting principle theoretically as well as regulation applied by the central government. Through this approach, therefore preview executive model is the effectice model to be used in preventing problematic regional regulation. Yet, the effectivity of this model will depend on some parties, first, legislator from the Regency government and second, from governor in examining and evaluating Regional regulation draft of regency. Moreover, the consistency to use manual of making act regulation for both parties are absolutely necessary.”